Modern technology gives us many things.

reliability 255/255

reliability 255/255

reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255

sh interface gigabite1/0/46

show int fa2/1 capabilities

reliability of 255/255 یعنی حالت نرمال و خوب

reliability of 255/255 یا هر عددی دیگر بیشتر باشد خوب نیست

Reliability 255/255= 100% up and reliable 128/255 = 50% up and not-so reliable

reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255

255/255 خوب هست txload 1/255 یعنی ترافیک ارسالی و rxload یعنی ترافیک دریافتی

1. Looks like every factor of 4 equals roughly 1.5%

2. So, 255=100%, 128=50%, 64=25%, 32=12%, 16=6%, 8=3%, 4=1.5%

3. If TXLOAD shows 47/255, then you’re looking at 18% (values 32+8+8)

or (12.5%+3%+3%=18%)

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